Typically, when you are observing people in a natural setting, subjects are unaware that they are being observed. In naturalistic observation, you can generalize your results.You want to randomly pick your sample from the population so that every person in the population has an equal chance of being in the sample. How do you ensure that your sample is representative? You do what is called random selection/sampling. This data would not be representative of the entire Canadian teenage population because Toronto teenagers might have different attitudes toward the legalization of marijuana than teenagers from Vancouver or Calgary. If you were to only survey a population from Toronto, this would be a biased sample. Your sample must include a wide range of teenagers, varying from their age to where they live, and only then, will you be able to generalize your findings. In order to generalize from a sample to a population, the sample must be representative of the population of interest.

You want to generalize your findings from the sample to the population. What should you do instead? Pick a sample from the population hoping that, the results that you have gathered from the sample population will be true of the entire teenage population. Ideally, you would give a survey to every single teenager however, this is not practical. You want to study Canadian teenagers about their attitude on the legalization of marijuana You have a population of interest who you are interested in surveying.Į.g. The survey method involves handing out questionnaires to try to get an idea to establish people’s attitude, beliefs and behavior.