The MinimServer application runs the media server and provides a user interface on the same computer for monitoring and control. To start MinimServer on Linux, please refer to the Starting and stopping MinimServer on Linux section.

SongKong 4.7 for Melco released 24th of February 2017.MinimServer as your uPNP Media Server: Part 1: Int.MinimServer with SongKong: Part 2: Sorting Compose.MinimServer with SongKong: Part 3: Sorting Conduct.Now with MinimServer installed, we double click it to start in system tray, the first time it s ta rts it asks for a content directory, we then select the same two hundred songs folder to scan for music. We already have Asset installed and have scanned a folder containing approximately two hundred songs in Flac format. Since this is a music metadata blog we are currently just concentrating on the metadata features rather than control of the media renderer. We are also going to do a br ief compar ison with another popular UPnP server called Asset just to show what difference it makes using a different media server.
#Start minimserver full#
There is a full list of installations available here but for this blog we are going to use a PC based installation. MinimServer is developed in Java meaning it can be made available for a large number of computer devices, from Macs and PCs to Network Attached Storage devices (NAS) such as Qnap or Synology and purpose built media servers such as the Melco N 1. Go back to Introduction to UPnP AV using MinimServer